1. The National Safety Code of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is strictly enforced at all times.
2. Consideration and Courtesy for fellow pilots is expected of all members at all times while flying at this field.
3. Spectators and guests are to remain behind the chain link fence at all times, unless accompanied by a club member. Children under 12 are not permitted in the runway area.
4. Absolutely no flying behind the chain link fence.
5. The area of long grass immediately beyond the fence is for taxiing before takeoff and after landing only. All flying should be done over the runway area, and over the high grass on either end of and/or to the east of the runway area.
6. Members are encouraged not to fly beyond the line of trees that borders the north end of the field.
7. Pilots should announce their intentions loudly when taking off and landing. Pilots are expected to clear the runway area for any aircraft taking off or landing. Pilots who are landing “dead-stick” have absolute priority over any other aircraft.
8. Glow or gas powered motors are to be started on the runway side of the fence only, either on the ground or on one of the safety benches. Motors that are being repaired may be started briefly on the tables in the pit area, but only if they are carefully shielded from other pilots and/or their helpers.
9. Helicopter pilots who are practicing hovering should do so only in the designated area on the south end of the field. Helicopter pilots who wish to fly in the runway area should be aware of other aircraft that may be in flight, and should not monopolize or otherwise restrict the airspace in the center portion of the field.
10. 3D flying should be done within that portion of the field defined as beginning at the far (east) side of the runway and extending eastward over the high grass. 3D pilots should refrain from flying certain maneuvers over the runway area, (i.e. “hovering”, etc.,) and should take care not to restrict the runway area for use by other pilots. Hovers, waterfalls, flat spins, and other 3D-type maneuvers that tend to congest the airspace should be done away from the runway area so that a normal traffic pattern can be maintained.
11. New or beginning pilots are not permitted to fly alone. They must be accompanied by an instructor designated by the club as a trainer, and must remain under the instructor’s immediate supervision until they have been cleared to fly solo.